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Child Welfare


Welcome to the Child Welfare section of the Irish Pony Club (IPC) website. Our aim is to help our members make IPC equine activities safe for young people while encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Protecting our young members is the first priority of the IPC. To achieve this, we have developed the appropriate policies and procedures to guide parents, branch officials, instructors and other adults involved in our activities, to set and maintain the right environment to allow young people to flourish.

It is also important that our young members know what to expect from their branch or activity. One of the basic policies for all members is the Code of Conduct. This is required in every branch and for everyone involved in our activities; whatever your position there is a relevant Code of Conduct that applies to you.

All IPC Branches are required to appoint a Children’s Officer and a Designated Person. The roles are predominantly involved in creating and maintaining a child-centred environment for young people, with the Club Children’s Officer being a face that young people recognise and someone they know who will listen to their views.

All Garda Vetting is now Processed by Horse Sport Ireland for the Irish Pony Club. Garda Vetting now has to be applied for through Horse Sport Ireland website See link on this page on this page.

For dditional documentation regarding health and safety and child welfare see link on this page.

For further help or advice contact your Club Children’s Officer or the National Children’s Officer.  See the details of the IPC Child Welfare Committee.

Garda vetting is co-odinated by HSI, this link is to the relevant area of their website.

Sports Ireland offers training programs focused on safeguarding