Area Details & Area Representatives
Area 9
Co. Clare Branch
Co. Limerick Branch
North Tipperary and Ormond
Hunt Branch
Scarteen Hunt Branch
The Kingdom Branch
Nenagh Branch
Thomond Branch
Area 8
Ballyjennings Branch
East Galway Branch
Galway Mid County Branch
Co. Galway Hunt Branch
Tuam Branch
Tynagh Branch
Area 7
Co. Cavan Branch
Louth Hunt Branch
Meath Hunt Branch
Co. Monaghan Branch
Ward Union Branch
Area 6
Clew Bay Branch
South Donegal Branch
East Donegal Branch
Co. Longford Branch
Moy Valley Branch
Sligo Hunt Branch
Leitrim Branch
Area 5
Araglen Branch
Avondhu Branch
Beara Branch
Carbery Hunt Branch
Duhallow Hunt Branch
Muskerry Hunt Branch
South Union Hunt Branch
United Hunt Branch
West Carbery Hunt Branch
Area 4
Island Hunt Branch
Kilkenny Hunt Branch
Killinick Harriers Hunt Branch
Warrington Branch
Wexford Hunt Branch
Area 3
Golden Vale Hunt Branch
North Kilkenny Hunt Branch
Tipperary Hunt Branch
Waterford Hunt Branch
West Waterford Hunt Branch
Area 2
Calliaghstown Branch
Laois Hunt Branch
Kildare Hunt Branch
Newcastle Lyons Branch
Offaly Branch
South Westmeath Hunt Branch
Westmeath Hunt Branch
Area 1
Bray Hunt Branch
Carlow Hunt Branch
Cherry Orchard Branch
Shillelagh and District Hunt Branch
Wicklow Hunt Branch
Rathfarnham Branch

There are nine area representatives, one for each area of the Irish Pony Club who attends Equine Executive Committee meetings of the Irish Pony Club to represent the views and wishes of their Branches. Their term is for three years and their duties include;
- Area Representatives may organise and chair meetings for their Branch DistrictCommissioners.
- A minimum of three meetings must be organised each year.
- Ensure that the Ethos and the Rules of the I.P.C. are understood and observed by the Branches in the Area.
- Ensure that the Branches are aware of and adhere to all statutory obligations, including Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Garda Vetting and General Data ProtectionRegulation.
- Co-ordinate Area Training and arrange all aspects of the ‘B’ Test in the Area.
- Visit the Branch rallies, camps, and training, observing these activities.
- Organise and run the Area Qualifiers in co-operation with Branches.
- Assist the I.P.C. Office with any Championship held in the area.
- Attend all Championships, National Training Days, and the I.P.C. Conference.
- Advise the Equine Executive Committee on the suitability of proposed DCs, proposed new Branches and applicants for overseas visits and other activities.
- Handle complaints and manage transfer requests with the support of the Equine Executive committee and the I.P.C. Administrator.
- Branch queries should first go to their Area Representative who will try to solve their query/issue.
Pony Clubs ( list All or by Area)
Select an Area below to see local branches