Introduction to Pony Club Pure Dressage:
Dressage Dressage itself is a way of training and riding your horse. The actual word “dressage” is French and evolved from the verb dresseur meaning to train. There are many different equestrian disciplines of horseback riding from classical dressage, through to show jumping, and eventing to name a few. Work on the flat, ie dressage, is essential for success in any equestrian discipline. Dressage itself is an Olympic discipline and it is enjoyed all around the world through the various levels with Grand Prix being the highest level that is performed internationally and Grand Prix musical freestyle being the real crowd pleaser as this is where the movements are performed to music.
Here in the IPC, we strive to foster a love of Dressage in our members. Every member is encouraged to take part in all relevant levels of Dressage to improve their pony’s way of going and make the riding more enjoyable!
For those members who may be shy about starting their journey to compete we hold Virtual Dressage Competitions. These competitions can be recorded at home and provide useful feedback from the judges to help riders improve their performance.
National Dressage Competitions take place at the National Dressage Day and the Area Qualifiers which are held before the National Festival Championships.